Our illustrious PC has accepted the first tutorial.
Quick UDP Internet Connections, pronounced 'quick' is a new important transport which is growing at a phenomenal rate. Studies have shown by November 2017, QUIC already represented 20% of the total mobile traffic[1] and grew over 200% in two years.
There are other advantages for QUIC; refer to 0x12 talk[2]. QUIC is implemented on top of UDP making it much easier to deploy improvements and fixes when compared to TCP which is in the kernel (and therefore requires kernel patch submissions and process overhead).
Ok, so what do you know about QUIC? How do you debug QUIC on the wire? What is out there if you wanted to write an application on top? The two foremost QUIC gurus Jana Iyengar and Ian Swett will be giving a tutorial on the subject. This is what some would call hearing it from the horses' mouth(s?). Come, listen, participate and learn.
More info: https://netdevconf.org/0x13/session.html?tutorial-QUIC
[1]https://owmobility.com/blog/meteoric-rise-google-quic-worrying-mobile-operat... [2]https://www.netdevconf.org/0x12/session.html?quic-developing-and-deploying-a...
cheers, jamal