We are very pleased to _welcome back_ Jump Trading Group as a Gold
sponsor for Netdev conf 0x19! Thank you for your support!
Jump Trading Group is a research-based electronic trading firm with
1,500+ employees and over a dozen offices across the globe. Founded in
the trading pits of Chicago in 1999, Jump's continued success is
driven by partnering sophisticated quantitative research with
bleeding-edge technology to trade the global markets.
Jump's culture is unique. Constant innovation requires fearlessness,
creativity, intellectual honesty, and a relentless competitive streak.
Jump believes in winning together and unlocking unique individual
talent by incenting collaboration and mutual respect. At Jump,
research outcomes drive more than superior risk adjusted returns. Jump
designs, develops, and deploys technologies that change the world,
fund start-ups across industries, and partner with leading global
research organizations and universities to solve problems.