Hi Lael,
I recorded the presentation video; you can download from the following link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8sgd7lkzm7nkdgp/iotlb-netdev.mp4?dl=0
The video is around 20:30 minutes; I think we can use the rest of the slot for Q&A. Please check and let me know if you need any changes.
Thanks, Alireza
From: Alireza Farshin afarshin@nvidia.com Date: Tuesday, 25 June 2024 at 08:48 To: Lael Santos lael.santos@expertisesolutions.com.br Cc: submissions-0x18@netdevconf.info submissions-0x18@netdevconf.info, jhs@mojatatu.com jhs@mojatatu.com Subject: Re: [Netdev 0x18] Submission #7 "Characterizing IOTLB Wall for..." Hi Lael,
Thank you! I hope everything is well for you, too.
I am preparing the presentation now. I will try to record and send you the video by the end of next week.
Thanks, Alireza
From: Lael Santos lael.santos@expertisesolutions.com.br Date: Monday, 24 June 2024 at 20:53 To: Alireza Farshin afarshin@nvidia.com Cc: submissions-0x18@netdevconf.info submissions-0x18@netdevconf.info, jhs@mojatatu.com jhs@mojatatu.com Subject: Re: [Netdev 0x18] Submission #7 "Characterizing IOTLB Wall for..." External email: Use caution opening links or attachments
Hi Alireza, hope everything is well
There is no hard deadline but please send us the video as soon as possible. There have been some cases in previous editions where changes were needed, so it is good to be safe and ready a week or two before the event. You can send me the link directly by email. Dropbox is fine. I would prefer to have it by email for now. The hotcrp's video field is meant for youtube videos once those are public.
Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.
-- Regards, Lael N. Santos Software Engineer @ Expertise Solutionshttps://expertise.dev/index.html
On Mon, Jun 24, 2024 at 9:57 AM Alireza Farshin <afarshin@nvidia.commailto:afarshin@nvidia.com> wrote: Hi,
Thank you so much for the information.
I can record the video by myself. When is the deadline for submitting it? And would it be okay to provide a Dropbox link in the hotcrp?
Best Regards, Alireza
From: submissions-0x18@netdevconf.infomailto:submissions-0x18@netdevconf.info <submissions-0x18@netdevconf.infomailto:submissions-0x18@netdevconf.info> Date: Monday, 24 June 2024 at 14:12 To: Alireza Farshin <afarshin@nvidia.commailto:afarshin@nvidia.com> Cc: jhs@mojatatu.commailto:jhs@mojatatu.com <jhs@mojatatu.commailto:jhs@mojatatu.com>, lael.santos@expertisesolutions.com.brmailto:lael.santos@expertisesolutions.com.br <lael.santos@expertisesolutions.com.brmailto:lael.santos@expertisesolutions.com.br> Subject: [Netdev 0x18] Submission #7 "Characterizing IOTLB Wall for..." External email: Use caution opening links or attachments
Dear Alireza Farshin,
We are contacting you because your netdev 0x18 session Characterizing IOTLB Wall for Multi-100-Gbps Linux-based Networking is marked as being presented remotely. For remote speakers we ask to have the presentation prerecorded as to avoid technical issues during the event.
We provide some time slots to help in this task in here: https://nam11.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcalendar.a...https://calendar.app.google/AqbKvEhqeiFTbAdj7
If you are willing to record the presentation video by yourself, please be sure to checklist the following criteria:
- Minimum resolution should be Full HD (1080p) in widescreen format. - Please be sure to capture good audio, this is even more important than video to have your message reach the audiance. - Please record yourself in a clean background and with enough light as to be easily distinguishable. Please be sure to not cover important content from your slides. - Any codec and video container is fine. People tend to like h264 for video and aac for audio. - If you need references, please look at netdev 0x17 remote sessions: - XDP Offload using Nanotube - by Neil Turton (https://nam11.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fyoutu.be%2...https://youtu.be/e8zv-F2VL5g?t=113) - Is scaling eBPF easy yet? - by Ivan Koveshnikov (https://nam11.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fyoutu.be%2...https://youtu.be/TGgIT9rMsns) - Synce4l: open-source implementation of Synchronous Ethernet - by Michał Michalik and Arkadiusz Kubalewski (https://nam11.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fyoutu.be%2...https://youtu.be/sbR-pf3sWuc)
Contact Netdev Society <submissions-0x18@netdevconf.infomailto:submissions-0x18@netdevconf.info> with any questions or concerns.
- Netdev 0x18 Submissions